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Do you have a physical disability? Want a job?

Teens with physical disabilities are about half as likely as typical teens to have part-time jobs. They may face discrimination and employers who aren’t willing to provide work accommodations or training.

Research shows that volunteer and work experiences during high school are predictors for finding well-paid work as an adult. Yet getting those jobs as a teen is harder. Many employers complain that young workers aren’t ready for work and lack the social- and problem-solving skills they need.

Holland Bloorview researchers are doing a study to learn more about the job skills teens with and without disabilities have.

We’re looking for high-school students in Grade 11 or 12 in the Greater Toronto Area to participate in a mock work interview and employment activities as part of this research. Teens with and without physical disabilities are sought.

Participants receive a $10 gift card, credit for volunteer hours and feedback. Please e-mail Sally Lindsay.

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