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No more excuses!

It hit me when I was speaking to researcher Anne Snowdon about her study on the social isolation of youth with developmental disabilities. She emphasized that the findings weren't just about the youth: "It's not just the child that has no or few peers," she said. "It has a ripple effect on families. The families report high levels of stress over years, the caregiving demands are high, and it's hard to engage in their communities. I question whether after a certain length of time parents don’t just give up or don't have time or energy to maintain friendships."

Now, I'm not personally concerned about friendships (maybe I should be!), but I am worried about finding ways to squeeze in stress reduction. I know it's a necessity for parents of kids with disabilities. But recently I've let it fall by the wayside.

When stressed, which is pretty much everyday, instead of going outside or working out at the club or calling a friend -- I have fallen into eating treats and drinking Americanos or hot chocolates. The more I don't exercise, and the more I eat, the more I don't want to exercise: I'm too tired. I can't fit into my clothes. I don't have time. What if that lady at the club asks me if I'm "chubbing out" like she did a few years ago?

So today at lunch I popped over to LuluLemon and picked up two funky tank tops and a sweat shirt (a size up from the last time). Now I have one less excuse.

How do you fit in exercise or other ways of reducing stress? Really? What do you do? When? Please share with us. I believe it's so important.

Thanks! Louise

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